What up, Im over here in Qatar for the world cup stop. We just got done with day one and it went pretty well. I won my heat and will be riding again. Watkins and I are sharing a room. We are going to check out the city tomorrow and i will get some picts. The site is pretty good, its a small channel that is really calm. It is the most salty water i have ever been in. My eyes burn bad but you get used of it.
I will check in tomorrow with some picts
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
3:56 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Here are a couple of pictures Spencer Smith shot of Rusty and me. We have been draging our boats all over this week to other lakes to shoot but the weather has been shit. These shots were us just messing around hopeing the sun would come out, but it did not and has not in about 4 days. Its always a lot of fun riding dubs with friends.
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
12:01 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
My News
This is my first shot at this, My News will be news from around wakeboarding that you might or might not usually hear. This is mostly stuff among our circle, some might be boring but here we go.
Danny Harf and Chad Sharpe had birthdays last week, the fellow Ronix teammates are just two days apart. Danny Celebrated his with a nighttime boat cruise, with pointless and friends all in attendance. Chad celebrated his with a close group of friends, and went to a nice seafood dinner in Mexico. Paul Obrien is in China. Grassman is recovering from a broken leg that he received at a Master Craft photo shoot jumping off a bank and coming up short. Randy Harris has extended his skeleton tattoo all the way to his hand, it looks sick. Ricky G also has more ink on his chest; it is the eagle from his board graphic. Shawn Watson is just finishing up a new rail on wassiee, it is a high flat bar with an optional angled rail on the side. Rusty Malinoski has a new house with his wife to be, moving in the guesthouse will be Kyle Rattray, and James Ballzer later this year. Speaking of Rattray, he is well on the road to recovery after a knee surgery, one of the fastest I have seen. In the speedy recovery news Rusty broke his arm a couple weeks ago and is already back on the water, I’m pretty sure he cut his own cast off. I think he had put his arm through the handle. Tony Smith has left Alliance to start a new media company with Chase Heavener. Good luck guys. Dean Smith left for Australia today, he was one of the last to go. You know the seasons coming to an end when the auzzies start migrating south. Jeff Weatherall is staying stateside for the first time and not going back to aus for their season. The whole Billabong crew is gearing up for 3 weeks in the Philippines for the filming of their new team vid. Oakley is just wrapping up their new team vid. Sean Kilgus is in Florida filming Drive staying with Danny Harf. Jack Blodgett has a new web sight jackblodgett.com. Rathy got shook down by Mexican police for barely speeding on his scooter, lucky he only had 200 pesos. Chad Sharpe signed with Rockstar along with Randy Harris, AJ Racinelli, and Jimmy Lariche, Joining Rusty Malinoski and Scott Byerly. Jeff Mckee Signed with Slingshot. Taylor Watkins will be celebrating his first birthday next week. Happy Bday Taylor.
That’s all I can think of this week. I will try again next week.
You can click on the photos to enlarge
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
6:29 PM
Home from Mexico
I just got back from the proam in Cancun Mexico. It was a good trip, the riding conditions were ok, it was really shallow so the wake was not too big. I did not do so well but I had fun. We spent a lot of time in the pool at the hotel and ate some really good food. This was my first trip to mex and it was not what I expected, Cancun is a lot like Vegas with the huge hotels and resorts everywhere. Phillip won the event and I think Danny was 2nd. Here are a couple picts.
I'm at home for the next week filming with Kilgus, and then I will be going on a 5 1/2 week trip. First off I’m heading to Qatar for the iwsf worlds and a world cup stop. After Qatar I will be flying to the Philippines to meet up with the whole Billabong team to film for our new team vid. We will be in the Philippines for 3 weeks, and will be going to the surf spot cloud 9, the cable park, doing some riding on the ocean and also a volcanic lake. The Billabong guys that will be there are Grubb, Watson, Harf, Heff, Ruck, and myself along with Chris Burk shooting picts and some filmers.
After Philippines I’m meeting up with Adam Errington and out Ronix distributor in Brisbane Australia for a week and a half to do some clinics and demos. I’m hoping I get over there in time for Chris Oshey's event but I don’t know if I will make it. I will be updating from the road and I’m sure there will be some cool news.
Thanks for stopping in, Come back soon.
Chad Sharpe
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
10:56 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Off To Mexico
I'm just waiting at the gate on the way to Mexico, Im going to the Tige pro am. Its the last stop of the king of wake series. I am sitting in 4th going into this stop and would like to do well to jump up a spot or two. The place we are staying is a sick all inclusive resort, Im going a day early and a couple after to relax a bit.
I was home all week in orlando and it was really nice. I got to ride every day. Monday I shot with Meddock and wats. Tues I got to go down to the Amway arena and hit the dew tour rails. They were pretty fun. The stepup boys did a good job. On wensday we filmed at my house for the malibu dvd. I think it was one of my best rides of the year, it was one of those days where you cant fall on a trick and it all goes right. Its one of the main reasons I wake board. I also hit another TS Indy Double back roll, First try, It was being fillmed in super slow motion film. Not a bad bday present to myself. Oh yeah it was my Bday yesterday. Man Im getting old. I think it was my 21st or 22nd, I cant remember. Some where around there.
Well my planes about to leave me, I recived a new camera for my bday so there will be some photos from mexico. thanks Leila.
Come back soon
Chad Sharpe
One last thing we are working on getting videos and clips on the site that i will update, It should be running sometime next week, stay tuned.
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
3:03 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Good Morning
Its 6am and Im just waiting for Meddock to get here. Wats and myself are going to do some shooting. The lake is so good right now, not a ripple on it. The sun should be up in a few mins. I was just on the road for a week and while I was gone the boys biult 2 more rails. I biult a a frame last week, and now we have a good size up to flat, as well as a nice flat bar with a angled side. Its going to be a fun winter on the wassiee. Joey just arrived, Im going riding.
Come Back Soon
There is a new sight from Joey and Josh, standerdslides.com. There will be daily photo weekly until the new issue arives. Story's behind the photo.
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
7:38 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Gettin some home time
Whats up,
I just got home from seattle, I was working on some new products. I had a really fun trip, I was staying at Paul's house. Its pretty much my second home, I love bieng up there. I rode while I was up there and the air was in the 50s, and I rode today at home and the air was in the high 80s. I find that you will try a lot more when the temp is warm, a lot more agressive.
I have Jack Blodgett sitting here with me, Im going to atempt a little interview.
Me- Jack I hear you have a new website, What is it and whats on it.
Jack-jackblodgett.com. I saw your web sight and pretty much copyed it. It has picts, videos and daily blogs.
Me- so you had to one up me with vids, Cool
What have you been up to lately.
Jack- Filming alot, finishing up the Oakley vid. Biulding rails on our lake, and riding.
Me- any travling lately.
Jack- Not really, Going to Mexico this week. I have been to 9 countrys this year.
Me- Any Highlights
Jack- tow in stuff in South Africa. Cuba support the troops, and rode on the Amazon.
Me- Not Bad. This is to much typing. Lets wrap it up. Anything cool to leave on.
Jack-Nov 10 is our Vid premier for Push Process at Okaley in CA. Then filming you guys for the Billabong Vid. I also have a new clothing line coming out soon.
Me -Thanks Jack, Lets go ride.
First Interview Fin. I will do some longer ones from the road. Thanks for checkin in, Come back soon
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
3:15 PM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
One last dance at Radar
Its Oct 9th and i just finished riding at Radar, It is so beautiful this time of year. All I had on was a long sleeve spring suit and it was not that bad. It was a pretty cool day up there, It was sunny and 59. Paul and I got up there and just crused around the lake, its amazing how clear the water gets when the temp goes down. It was so clear that you could see everything on the bottom, there are thousands of golf balls everywhere and you see big trout. We are going on a retreval mission this spring with some scuba tanks and retriving a serious amount of golf balls. We have been hitting them in there from my very first trip years ago.
The reason Im up here is to try out some new shapes and work on some graphics over the next few days. I rode some cool stuff today. Jason is the man. Tommorow Im going to the shop in Preston to work on graphics.
Days like today really make me miss this area. Im shure it will rain tommorow and remind me why Florida is so rad. It was cool to be the last ride of the year at Radar, the boat came out today.
Im back in Fla wensday.
come back again soon
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
12:36 AM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Back in FLA
Whats up,
I just got back from Arazona a couple days ago. AZ was a real fun trip, there was some really good riding going down. It was fun to ride with Trevor, Randy and Gabe. Those guys were killing it. We had some pretty good accomidations at the lake, we were staying on these house boats right at the dock so we could just wake up and ride. The boat was a 23 foot Malibu, the wake was real good.
Its rad being home for a little while, this summer has been crazy busy. We biult a new rail on our lake over the weekend, its not too gnarly its just a small a frame but it really fun. Its right in the riding line that we use everyday so its easy to just session each pass. Rails take so much time to biuld. I will try to get a photo of it today or tommorow.
It was Parks birthday 2 days ago, Happy Bday PB. He is back from Cali, where he was getting his knee fixed. Parks had an unfourtunate accident on the rail we were hitting at owc at the Ronix both for expo. The rope got caught and pulled him down in to the front of the rail, he got spun out pretty bad and landed really hard on the land. It was really hard to watch. Parks had been working so hard to come back from his last injury and this happend. I hope he has speedy recovery. Im shure he will be back in no time.
I will be in orlando untill we go to Mexico in a couple weeks. Kilgus will be down filming for drive and we are also filming for the new Billabong movie, so im sure there will be some pretty sick riding over the next few weeks.
Thanks for checkin in
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
6:17 PM