What’s up, I haven’t updated in a couple days. I’m on a plane heading back to the states from Singapore. We were at the world cup stop on the Bedok Resivour. The contest went ok for myself I finished in a equal 5th with Danny, Rusty, and Chris O. Phillip finished 1st followed by Jeff Weatheral in 2nd and Daniel Watkins in 3rd, Andrew finished 4th. There was some pretty good riding through out the weekend.
It was a pretty good trip through Singapore this time round, but a lot more mellow than past years. We did the tourist thing Friday night, taking a bus tour around the city witch was pretty cool. It was the Chinese light Fest that was pretty cool to see. The tour was on a double decker bus with no top. After the tour we checked out the night life but all faded out pretty fast. I think the long flights and Jet lag really take a toll when your only there for a couple days.
Saturday there was a party but none of us made it, we found an Outback steakhouse and then headed back to the hotel to crash out. It seems like we are all a little more serious about getting sleep these days being that the riding is getting so good at contests.
It was pretty funny on Sunday after the event, the boys stopped by a store and took Phillips card and bought enough drinks for a week. Congrats Phil you won, now pony up for every one. He got off pretty lucky though because normally when you win you buy everyone dinner and its at a good restaurant but BK was the only thing open.
Overall it was a pretty good trip, the contest was well run, we hit the cable park a couple times, and got a tour through the city. I’m flying to Arazona to meet up with Sean Kilgus, to film for Drive. I think it will be Randy, Trevor, Gabe Lucas, and me, all riding till Friday. I will update in a few days when we get back.
Thanks for checking in,
Monday, September 24, 2007
Singapore Final
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
11:13 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Singapore Day 1
We just finnished our first day in singapore, It was a pretty fun one. First we checked out the cable park. It was pretty good. There is a fun box and a couple table boxes as well as a flat bar. In the am it was Watkins, Dean Smith, Weatherall and myself. It was a pretty fun way to start out the day after such along flight. Later on we headed over to the contest sight and hooked up with Danny, Rusty, and a few of the guys for practice. After practice we all Headed back over to the cable park. Every one started out riding and after awhile we all switched over to combo skis and took a wack at the park. There were some funny crashes. Daniel Watkins tryed to step up to the top of the fun box and his skis split it, one on each side. He came pretty close to racking himself. It was pretty funny to watch. I tryed a back flip off the cheese wedge and made it but when i landed my skis decided to go oppsite ways and pulled my groin but not to bad. Rusty was riding a disk and fell but continued to skid and landed about a foot from the kicker, he got off pretty lucky.
Those were pretty much the highlights of day one. We are headed out to the contest now. I will update on how it went later on today when we get back. I should have some picts of the contest.
Thanks for stoping by
Chad Sharpe
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
11:07 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
En Route, Singapore
Whats up.
Im just on a layover in Japan on the way to Singapore and have some time to kill. Man this is a long flight, we just got off a 12hr from DC to Tokyo and still have another 6hr flight to Singapour. It makes it so much easier when your doing these long flights with friends. Im travling with Watkins, Rusty, Wolfe, and Adkinson. Danny had to do this same flight by himself yesterday. At least he gets to ride the sight of the contest all day today.
Singapore is a rad contest, Its on the Bedok resivour. The conditions could not be more perfect. There only boats allowed on it once a year for this event. It is always calm and the water is clean. I love going to this event every year, we always have a good time.
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
2:33 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Aussie Moving Day
I live on Lake Hiawassiee in Orlando FL. A few months back Parks moved to Clermont and rented his house out to a crew of aussie's such as Dean Smith, Scotty Broome, Troy and Scotty Mackey. Wassie is a pretty small lake and when I heard they were moving in I decided to have some fun with them. Daniel Watkins called me the day he picked them up from the airport to let me know they were on there way. It just so happend that same morning we had been having a water moccican problem on the lake, I took down a big one. I did not have much time to spare before they got home so quickly I made a welcome sign along with the snake and left this in there living room. It turned out that they are not very big snake fans.
Chad Sharpe
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
5:03 PM
Surf Expo FIN
What up its Sunday, we just finnished up tearing down the booth from expo. It was a long but fun weekend. Thank You to all of our dealers who made the time to stop by. On Friday night was the wake awards at the convention centre. That was a great evening, Ronix won the award for buzz brand of the year. It was tigh, our whole crew rocked up to the stage. Later that evening I won wakeboard trick of the year, for a ts double indy back roll. I was so stoked, there were alot of other sick tricks like dannys ts bs nose grab 7, it was so tight and JDs fountian gap. Also that night my good friend Rusty won wakeboarder of the year. Congrats Russ keep up the hard work. Another highlight of the night was Parks wining the legend award. No rider deserved it more, he has done so much for our sport and it was an honor seeing him win. It was well deserved, Congrats Parks.
Im back on the road Wensday for a couple weeks, travling to Singapour for a World Cup stop, followed by flying straight to Arazona for the week to shoot with Kilgus for the movie Drive. I will keep you posted on some storys from the road and inside happnings on what Im up to.
I will also post some picts and storys from some of the trips ealyer this summer, Thanks for checkin the sight out and come back again soon.
Chad Sharpe
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
1:57 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
First Post
What up, this is my first post of many. Im down here in Orlando, its surf expo weekend.
This blog will pretty much be posts of my travels and fun around the world with pictures. Hope you enjoy.
Posted by
Chad Sharpe
5:14 PM